Northern Council Update – 2/28/22
We have been working towards plans for the next Northern council gathering, which will be at the Homestead restaurant in Bristol.
As our March meeting falls on the third Thursday of the month, which is St. Patrick’s day we will NOT be meeting until April.
We have contacted the Homestead and reserved the 3rd Thursday in April, which is the 21st.
As in the past we will meet at 6pm for social time, ordering food and beverages with the meeting to start promptly at 7pm.
Everyone is welcome and I will be sending out a reminder/ headcount email towards the end of March to get an accurate headcount for our first meeting of 2022.
We plan to meet again in May at the Homestead but will probably switch to outdoor type gatherings and drives for July and August.
No June meeting as we will be celebrating the Queen’s birthday as well as the clubs at the end of June. Looking forward to this fun annual event🎉
Will certainly forward all those details once they have been ironed out.
Please keep an eye out for future emails and let me know if you have any questions.
Hope everyone is staying well and enjoying yet another snowstorm❄️
Kellie & Karl