North Council Meeting

The Homestead Restaurant 1567 Summer Street, Bristol, NH

Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Arrive around 6:00 pm if you plan to eat and socialize. Non-members are always welcome to attend. The Homestead Restaurant. 1567 Summer Street , Bristol, NH

Competition Motors, Portsmouth, NH

February 27 Competition Motors 40 Longmeadow Rd Portsmouth Car restorations and Bugatti collection Tour starts at 10 am Questions Howard Kalet Cell 508 380 7898

Southern Council Meeting

Moe Joe’s Family Restaurant 2175 Candia Road, Manchester, NH

Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.  Arrive at 6:00 pm if you wish to eat and socialize. Non-members are always welcome. Moe Joe’s Family Restaurant, 2175 Candia Road, Manchester, NH

Tech Session, Deerfield NH

Sat, March 8 @ 9:30 - 58 Church St., Deerfield, NH "Hands on" session on adjusting valve clearances (be prepared to get your hands dirty) Greg Zimmermann Zimmlitt Motoring Company LLC 603-305-1077

Show of Dreams Meeting

Time:  10:00 am  to 12:00 noon. Place:  Berkshire Hathaway Verani Training Room. One Verani Way, Londonederry, NH Notify Di Stanley if you plan to attend.

Seacoast Council Meeting

Arrive at 6 p.m. for food and greetings,  Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Non-members are always welcome. Hebert's Restaurant, in the shopping plaza at 1500 Lafayette Rd (RT. 1), Portsmouth, NH.

Monadnock Council Meeting, Earlier Start Time

Dublin Road Taproom & Eatery 53 Dublin Road, Jaffrey, NH

Meet upstairs at 5 pm if you want to eat and socialize. The meeting will be downstairs at 6 pm. Non-members are welcome. Dublin Road Taproom and Eatery, Shattuck Golf Course, 53 Dublin Rd, Jaffrey NH.

North Council Meeting

The Homestead Restaurant 1567 Summer Street, Bristol, NH

Meetings start at 7:00 pm, arrive at 6:00 pm if you wish to eat and socialize. Non-members are welcome to attend. The Homestead Restaurant, 1567 Summer Street, Bristol NH .

Revive Auto Detailing, Greenland, NH

March 22 Revive Auto Detailing 759 Portsmouth Rd Greenland Tour starts at 10 am Questions Howard Kalet Cell 508 380 7898

Southern Council Meeting

Moe Joe’s Family Restaurant 2175 Candia Road, Manchester, NH

Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.  Arrive at 6:00 pm if you wish to eat and socialize. Non-members are always welcome. Moe Joe’s Family Restaurant, 2175 Candia Road, Manchester, NH.